Solar Solutions Company is a Southern California locally owned and operated small business.
We are licensed, bonded, and insured.
California Contractors State License Board (CLSB) #999310, C-46 Solar License.
Location: Our home office is in Simi Valley.
4545 Industrial St, 5P, Simi Valley, CA 93063​
Locations: We also have satellite operations in San Diego (Mission Hills), Claremont, and the Palm Springs/Palm Desert/Coachella Valley area.
Service Area: We cover almost all of Southern California, including:
Ventura County
Los Angeles County
Orange County
San Diego County
San Bernardino County (western SB County)
Riverside County (western area including Coachella Valley)
Santa Barbara County
Kern County (eastern Kern high desert including Ridgecrest)
- We are a sponsor of the annual Sustainable Claremont gala.